Today’s Recipe: How to Make a Homemade ISIS State (or the ISIS Delusion)

  • Start with a country like the United States
  • Take racism and intolerance and make it 100 times stronger
  • Completely annihilate tourism, as no outsider wants to go there
Admin Clerk

Don’t be fooled by the looks, and the gun, I’m just an admin clerk

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Arab revolutions: How to set Syria free | The Economist

Arab revolutions: How to set Syria free | The Economist.

So shifting Mr Assad from power as fast as possible is essential. It is too late for him to negotiate an accommodation with his people by overseeing reform and an increase in democracy. Mr Assad’s repeated resort to violence has earned him the permanent distrust of most of his people. Any freedom they gain would immediately become a means to resist him. For the good of Syria and the region, therefore, the aim must be both to dethrone Mr Assad and also to minimise the loss of life. The pity is that, just now, those goals are at odds.

Interesting perspective on the Syrian revolution / conflict and what can be done in order to resolve it.

Should We Blame China for Not Supporting The Syrian Revolution?

Representatives of China and Russia veto the resolution condemning the Syrian government. Source: Google Images.

Representatives of China and Russia veto the resolution condemning the Syrian government. Source: Google Images.

There is no right or wrong here. Every nation has always been and will always keep protecting their own interests. Just like China and Russia forge alliances that work in their interests, any other nation does the same. There is a covert war going on between nations that we may not know of, and the Chinese rhetoric about Syria is only part of it.

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